Hello and......

Welcome to my Gaming Nest where I review all the games I have played and try and explain all the aspects of it and their good and bad qualities. I do take as many recommendations as I can so please give me some ideas.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Dota 2

This is the first actual game post I have made in a while and my literacy is not gaming magazine level but bare with me.

Dota 2 belongs to the MOBA genre of games (multi player online battle arena) which are mostly based on the idea of strategic victory. Other mobas include League of Legends, Hon, Smite. Each one has their own tournaments of course but none compare to the dota 2 international which grosses far more prize money as well. Of course considering the game is free to download from steam the money they make is all either bought in game or made from advertisements, live tickets etc.

If course describing the game play is difficult because this is a strategy game and it is far from simple to understand, just learning the characters will take you at least 150 hours of game play.  From what I've seen most people start off being bored at this game, giving up before learning barely any of its complexity. It is my personal belief that everyone that plays a MOBA started off with one that they enjoyed the first time they played, call it a gateway MOBA maybe. The chances that dota is not the one for you are well out there but personally after playing over 1000 hours of it, I cannot help but succumb to the nerdiness of craving to do "awesome" stuff in game.

I will try as best as I can to explain the game. The basis is two sides, the radiant and the dire. They are very similar to red and blue in other games in the fact that they are at constant war for an unknown reason. Each side has a base consisting of many different building, some to defend and some for absolutely no reason. But at the beginning of a game the two most important will be the the towers which will be primary defense across the map, and the barracks which spawn "creeps" (minions etc.) The barracks are placed on three sides of the base adjacent to the three lanes which are shared by the five heroes on each team. You will need to go to one of these lanes to earn experience and gold, but that's a whole different far more complicated subject.

Forgive me for not having a tiny bit of firmness to my writing structure, but believe me explaining dota is not easy and will be notoriously difficult to enforce on someone repulsed by it. I will try to improve my writing as I buy more Ps4 games to review, dota 2 has been on my laptop for quite a while and out of boredom I needed something to do.

I'm writing this, completely convinced no one will ever read it but in the rare chance. I recommend you readers out there try to this game keeping in mind another MOBA might be right for them. Or maybe the whole genre might be too slow or too strategic for your liking but if you truly are looking for a MOBA to play, personal opinion points to dota 2.

Thank you for not reading

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